Animals, ProcessGracia & LouiseJuly 03, 2020Robin Wall Kimmerer, Koala Clancy, tree planting, climate crisis, Eastern barred bandicoot, koala, collage, stop animation, nature, megafires, donate, wilderness, Eastern barn owl, Perameles gunnii, Welcome swallow, White-faced heron, Wedge-tailed eagle Bandicoots & koalas, will come Koala Clancy Animals, ProcessGracia & LouiseJuly 03, 2020Robin Wall Kimmerer, Koala Clancy, tree planting, climate crisis, Eastern barred bandicoot, koala, collage, stop animation, nature, megafires, donate, wilderness, Eastern barn owl, Perameles gunnii, Welcome swallow, White-faced heron, Wedge-tailed eagle
Artists' BooksGracia & LouiseMarch 12, 2018Paw Pad Path, collage, animals, paintings, concertina, fox, Matsuo Basho, perception, nature, scene, fauna, bookbinding, the working table, umwelt, wilderness, sensory Paw Pad Path From the pages Artists' BooksGracia & LouiseMarch 12, 2018Paw Pad Path, collage, animals, paintings, concertina, fox, Matsuo Basho, perception, nature, scene, fauna, bookbinding, the working table, umwelt, wilderness, sensory