“So may the New Year be a happy one to you”

Rebuilding our site from the ground up, piece by piece, was always going to be slow, sometime glorious, sometimes decidedly not, affair. Looking back at what was and ahead to what is, it goes hand in glove with a new year and all its promise.
To help us with the move, shop front and all, we are having a 40% off everything sale, on everything, yes, everything, in our current online store. It is also to celebrate our most recent foster for the RSPCA, Finn’s good news: he has been adopted! Handsome Finn, we wish you a lifetime of bright days.
Finn-cloud came to us on the 18th of September, 2020, with one leg wrapped in a blue bandage and the other in red, and a cone about his neck. His recovery (from a car accident which fractured his pelvis) was steady, his personality: gigantic. Like all the foster cats we have had the pleasure of knowing, we miss him, but we do this so he can have a happy life.
The sale runs until the 14th of February, 2021. Please use the code “2021” upon checkout to activate the discount.
Why not leap over to our store.
(Though we are mouse-clicking a new site, please note: the URL will be the same as ever. No new address, but new in every other sense. We hope.)
In the process of sorting that comes with all moves, you will notice earlier pieces drawn up for Fjord Review popping up in the Dance archives so that they can all be found in the one spot, should you choose to peruse. Rewind to 2012–2015, friends.
With the awareness that folding over a computer for long periods does not generate nimbleness, we have been taking the daily walks of lockdown into the new year. Walks upstream and down are not just for clement days. Walks, long or short, are always restorative. Along the river, one day, to the post office, the next. In continuing so, we once chanced upon a Sacred kingfisher dipping into the water. Such sightings, make a day and last longer than the hourly total.
Yes, we are getting closer to finishing our site. Adding code, and our own, we hope, bright kingfishers.
Image credit: Gracia Haby, One moonlit night with little to no prospect of success, 2010
(Looking back to look forward, a postcard collage, which was exhibited as part of A key to help make your own world visible (at Craft Victoria in 2009), and featured in zine of the same name before becoming a four-colour lithographic offset print in 2010.
The title of this post, borrowed from ‘The Chimes’ by Charles Dickens, reads, in full: “So may the New Year be a happy one to you, happy to many more whose happiness depends on you!”)