A warmed pebble in my hand; a zine in yours

Sticky Institute
Festival of the Photocopier Zine Fair 2018
Melbourne Town Hall
Sunday the 11th February
For those of you, for reason of time and geography, who could not make it to Sunday’s Festival of the Photocopier zine fair, we have updated our online store, enabling our stall to come to your screen.
In the business of finding and bending Beckett’s “form that accommodates the mess'“ of thoughts and ideas, we make. We make stand-alone zines, drawing museum sketches and things that tickle together, and sometimes we make zines that are pocket-sized replicas, to the fold, of our artists’ books. This year, at the fair, we had six new zines on the table.
Created from the artists’ books within Looped,
I think all the world is falling
No longer six feet under
Disrupted and rumpled
Dim wood, spark bright
A warmed pebble in my hand
And from Unusual projection,
It was a familiar pattern
For those of you, for reason of time and geography, who could not make it to Sunday's Festival of the Photocopier zine fair, let us rewind, and take you stall-side.
Thank-you treasured stallholders to our left, Deborah Klein, Moth Woman Press, with Shane Jones, and to our right, Theo Strasser, Anajah Press, making his zine fair debut. Thank-you to all of you who stopped by our store, by chance or by design, and contributed to what is always a lovely afternoon, orchestrated each year by Thomas Blatchford and Luke Sinclair and all who comprise the genius and generosity that is the Sticky Institute. Thank-you.
Our exhibition, Looped, features in the latest edition of the Book Arts Newsletter (published at the Centre for Fine Print Research, UK, February 2018, No. 116, pp. 18–19).
Related, unrelated, we’ll be at the fourth Melbourne Art Book Fair from the 16th to 18th of March, 2018.
Image credit: (top) Gracia Haby & Louise Jennison, Disrupted and rumpled (detail), 2017, artists' book; (grid) 13, Theo Strasser (detail); 15, Deborah Klein