
It came like light out of the walls
Thursday 13th June – Sunday 21st July, 2019
West Gallery Thebarton
32 West Thebarton Road, Thebarton, South Australia
Ahead of Wednesday’s install of our exhibition, It came like light out of the walls, let’s look back at how Ripples in the Open became a new landscape.
It came like light out of the walls opens this Thursday the 13th of June.
While we cannot be there for the opening, if you live nearby or are passing through, please call in to explore this collage with your own eyes. And should you feel inclined, please share an image or two (#Itcamelikelightoutofthewalls).
Alongside our landscape, we will be exhibiting a framed, toy scale version of Ripples in the Open, with inhabitants previously seen flickering within individual lenticular bubbles.
It came like light out of the walls will be shown in conjunction with Kyoko Imazu’s In the Neighbourhood.
Cutting into the vinyl pieces and making them into something new was even more enjoyable than we’d expected it to be. We followed a plan for the top peaks and bottom pools, and allowed our scissors to glide in the middle. (And padding through these collected frames, for Leonard and Olive, too, it appears, the process was an intrigue.)
And now we’re excited to see how this will read in the space. (Thank-you for the invitation, Kyoko, Margie and Jane.)
Image credit: Gracia Haby & Louise Jennison, It came like light out of the walls, 2019, collage