Small things; precious things

Postcards, catalogues, and artists’ books
Black-throated Finch Project
Twenty original postcard collages
Keep a beady eye on catalogue for Museum of Aphorisms and Platitudes exhibition
Digital print catalogue
Edition of 10
Looped, glimpsed
La Trobe Reading Room
State Library Victoria
“Adani is saying the birds can just fly somewhere else — well, I’m afraid to say there are very few places left for our threatened species to just fly somewhere else, so that’s just a joke.”
We created twenty original postcard collages for our contribution to the Black-throated Finch Project, initiated by artist Charlotte Watson.
Six of the originals were posted directly to politicians by way of protest. The fourteen remaining postcards have since been listed through our online store, with all proceeds from their sale being donated by us to Birdlife Australia. So far, we have donated $160 to Birdlife Australia.
There are ten available through our online store.
The Black-throated finch is an endangered bird found in small populations in Queensland. One of these fragile populations is currently under threat from the proposed Adani Carmichael mine in the Galilee Basin.
For Phil Edwards’ Museum of Aphorisms and Platitudes, we created a real but not real 24-page catalogue of Through a glass eye.
An edition of 10, Keep a beady eye on is a souvenir for a collection to file under Eye, which you can see at c3 until the 14th of July, 2019.
Museum of Aphorisms and Platitudes
Curated by Phil Edwards
c3 Contemporary Art Space
Gallery 5
The Abbotsford Convent
1 St Heliers Street, Abbotsford
The Museum of Platitudes and Aphorisms is part of a series of exhibitions and events that explore how individual artists and audiences explore their thinking about the presence of art in a studio or a gallery environment. It seems that there is a kind of peripheral vision that occurs in all artist’s practices that, once recognised, avoids or extends the awareness of the role of art and galleries in our lives. The aim of the project is to ask both makers and observers to reflect upon their own values in the experiences of making, encountering and looking at art. The role of the museum or gallery as the psychological architecture used to reflect upon accepted knowledge is also in review.
Participants include: Nada Polski, Fleur Summers, James Healey, Henry Law, David Dellafiora, Susan Hartigan, Gracie Edwards, Nico Tavella, Richard Harding, Peter Ellis, Chris Deakin, Louise Weaver, Shaun Wilson, Tammy Honey, Michael Vale, Greg Moncrieff, Fran Van Riemsdyk, Craig Easton, Simon Perry, Joyce Huang, David Thomas, Cat Polski, Adrian De Vries, Shane Hulbert, Tammy Hulbert, James Murnane, Jim Murnane, Kit Wise, Elouise Harper, Madeleine, Bronte Webster, Wilma Tabacco, Charles O’Loughlin, Peter Clarke, Colleen Morris, Peter Hill, David Thomson, Lesley Duxbury, John de la Roche, Lesley O’Gorman, Greg Fullerton, Tiffany Parbs, Ron Guy, Kristian Brennan, Ceri Hann, Jason Wade, Ben Sheppard, Rhett D’Costa, P J Hickman, Robin Kingston, Harry Hay, Simon Gardam, Paul Compton, Morris Edwards, Malcom Bywaters, Julian Goddard, Ben Harper, Rod Prohasky, Al Outchomsky, Rhonda Watson, John MacKinnon, Stephanie Kam, Gabriel Nielsen, Gracia Haby, Louise Jennison, Jim Ross, Guy Hughes, Raphael Buttonshaw, Nicholas Jones, Emma Neumann, Vicky Kanellouplos, Felicity Eustace, Enrique Toches, Andrew Tetzlaff, Tony Garifalakis, Stephen Armstrong and others.
Image credit: Gracia Haby & Louise Jennison, Dim wood, spark bright (detail), 2017, artists’ book